U.S. Withdraws from Five Bases in Afghanistan, Reduces Forces to 8,600

Published by Mr Newtral on

In accordance with the U.S.-Taliban Agreement signed in February, the U.S. has reduced its forces in Afghanistan to 8,600 and withdrawn from five military bases, the United States Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman reported today.

“[The] five bases formerly occupied by U.S. forces have been transferred to our Afghan partners”, says the Chief. The 8,600 troops will remain in Afghanistan as “necessary to protect ourselves, our Allies and partners, and US national interests”.

The U.S.-Taliban Agreement calls for a “massive reduction in violence”, and for the Aghan Government and Taliban to work together towards peace. Since the agreement’s signing, however, there have been multiple attacks orchestrated by the Taliban as well as drone strikes conducted by the U.S.. Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani recently pointed out the “extent of violence in the first two months of 2020 except for the Eid cease-fire is greater than the first six months of 2019.” He added that the “Taliban haven’t delivered on their commitments but in turn expanded their relations with terrorist networks”.