U.S. Drone Strike in Afghanistan Allegedly Misses Target Killing at Least 9 Civilians
A U.S. drone strike in Afghanistan is reported to have missed its terrorist target, killing at least 9 civilians. (Multiple sources are reporting different casualty totals of 9, 16, and more than 30 civilians.) The drone strike allegedly missed its target “after accidentally targeting farmers and laborers who had just finished collecting pine nuts” in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province. Colonel Sonny Leggett, a spokesman for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, commented that “U.S. forces conducted a drone strike against Da’esh (IS) terrorists in Nangarhar” last night, “are aware of allegations of the death of non-combatants,” but are still working “to determine the facts.” Continuing, the Colonel mentioned how terrorists use “dishonest claims of non-combatant casualties as propaganda weapons.” No further statement from the U.S. has been made at this time.