Over 100 Shot This Weekend in Chicago, Including 3 Year-Old

Published by Matt Fishman on

This past weekend, over 100 people were shot in Chicago. Included in the 100 was 3-year-old Mekhi James, who was shot Saturday “when someone opened fire at his father’s car”.

Although this is the most victims Chicago has seen to gun violence in a weekend this year, it is not the most deaths; 14 of the 100 shot died this weekend, less than the 24 who died the weekend of May 29, the first weekend of the George Floyd protests.

In Chicago, shooting incidents are up over 33% from last year, while murders are up over 22%.

Chicago’s Police Superintendent commented that “too many violent offenders [are] not in jail, or on electronic monitoring, which no one is really monitoring”. He added that the city “need[s] violent felons to stay in jail longer”.

Recently, it was announced Chicago would be adding 75 new police officers.