Iran Takes Additional Step Back from Nuclear Deal, Will Begin Injecting Uranium into Centrifuges

Published by Mr Newtral on

Iran President Hassan Rouhani delivered a speech yesterday, announcing Iran’s “injecting gas to the centrifuges in Fordow will begin [today]”, the latest in Iran’s steps in reducing JCPOA (Iran Nuclear Deal) commitments. The Iranian President also recapped the country’s previous three step backs from the Iran Nuclear Deal, stating: “In the first step, we lifted [the limit on our amount of stockpiled uranium] and are stockpiling whatever we enrich”; “in the second step, we reduced our commitment regarding [the uranium] enrichment limit and now we are not committed to enriching only at this level”; “In the third step, we went beyond the frameworks set for R&D, and we will make any kind of scientific developments, centrifuge production, and quantities and chains”. President Rouhani reiterated “this step can be reversed” and they “are fully prepared to return to the previous state” whenever the United States returns to the deal.

The United Kingdom Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Dominic Raab responded that “Iran’s latest actions clearly contravene the deal and pose a risk to our national security… [and] Iran needs to stand by the commitments it made and urgently return to full compliance.” France Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Agnes von der Muhil, commented that France remains “committed to the JCPoA and urge Iran to reconsider its decisions which run counter to the agreement, [and] to fully adhere to its obligations” within the nuclear deal.


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