What is Newtrals?

Newtrals neutral news is a source for today’s news with the goal of being politically neutral. Political bias is inherent in media, but at Newtrals we do our best to provide a completely unbiased news perspective. We attempt to achieve this neutrality by presenting a story with just the facts, no opinions. Our articles are comprised of statistics, quotes, and facts and then presented in a concise manner which summarizes the story. We’re writing the news as it should be, so you don’t have to worry about what’s real and what’s not.

Supreme Court Accepts Landmark Case, Google vs Oracle

The Supreme Court has accepted a landmark case, Google vs. Oracle, to the list of upcoming cases it will hear. The case originated because “Google used [Java] to build Android”, and allowed “developers to write applications for Android using the Java language.” At the time, Java was owned by Sun…

New FBI Report Analyzes Domestic Terrorist Attacks Since 1972

A new FBI report of lone offender domestic terrorist attacks in the U.S. takes a comprehensive look “at the backgrounds, behavioral characteristics, and circumstances surrounding 52 attacks since 1972”. Domestic terrorist attacks where “the offender was primarily radicalized within the United States and carried out the attack against targets within…

What is Newtrals?

Newtralsis a new source of unbiased news. We report the news using fully-sourced facts, statistics, and quotes; and then present the information in a concise manner. It’s the way the news should be. That’s why more people are choosing Newtrals as their trusted source for the most unbiased news.