Tennessee Legislature Passes Abortion Ban After 6 Weeks
Tennessee’s legislature has passed a bill making it a Class C felony to perform or induce an abortion upon a pregnant woman “whose unborn child has a fetal heartbeat” or “on a pregnant woman at various stages of pregnancy, ranging from six weeks gestational age to 24 weeks gestational age”. Additionally, the bill makes it a Class C felony to perform or induce an abortion upon a pregnant woman “if the person knows the woman is seeking the abortion because of: (A) The sex of the unborn child; (B) The race of the unborn child; or (C) A prenatal diagnosis, test, or screening indicating Down syndrome”.
A Class C felony subjects the accused to between three and fifteen years in prison and a possible fine up to ten thousand dollars.
The bill specifically targets physicians carrying out the abortion, explicitly clarifying “that a pregnant woman upon whom an abortion is performed or induced… is not guilty of violating, or attempting to commit or conspiring to commit a violation of this amendment”.
If the Tennessee Governor signs this bill into law, Tennessee would join states like Louisiana and Missouri, whom have passed similar abortion ban bills known as “heartbeat bills”.