Foreign Investment in the U.S. Drops as U.S. International Investment Rises

Published by Mr Newtral on

Foreign investment in the United States for 2019 totaled $194.7 billion, “down 37.7 percent from $312.5 billion… in 2018 and below the annual average of $333.0 billion for 2014–2018”.

Meanwhile, “the difference between U.S. residents’ foreign financial assets and liabilities, was –$12.06 trillion at the end of the first quarter of 2020″. U.S. citizens currently have $38.82 trillion overseas, compared to $26.77 trillion domestic.

This time last year, this “net international investment position” stood at -$9.67 trillion, $2.4 trillion less than today.

Within the last decade, U.S. resident’s oversea investments have increased roughly $15 trillion while their domestic investments have increased roughly $5 trillion.